Thank you Ed
For sharing this

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2018, at 8:22 PM, Deana LeBlanc 
<<>> wrote:

Emotion vs. reason? His live video got us PUMPED and struck a cord- we who were 
watching were cheering, (crying a bit admittedly). Even had musicians riding 
along to its It speaks to something bigger and is effectively cathartic- the 
performance, the storytelling, while also being a testimony of information. Two 
things going on at once, important to distinguish. But this also makes sense- 
the statement from Mass Art Faculty- glad to hear from them.

On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Ed Halter 
<<>> wrote:
Hey Frameworks

Felt I should share this announcement that was forwarded to me from the Massart 



The faculty and staff of the Film/Video department demand that Professor Saul 
Levine stop his
lies about recent events at Mass Art and his cyber-bullying against his 

It is because of Professor Levine’s very public attacks and misrepresentations 
that we feel
obliged to correct his version of the complaints against him.

He has bullied his colleagues and created an abusive working environment over 
many years.

He has derailed and destroyed important discussions about urgent departmental 
and curricular

This is NOT an issue of academic freedom. No one at Mass Art made any effort to 
censor or
punish Professor Levine for screening his film or any other film he has shown 
over the years.
No one forced him to retire.The decision to retire is entirely Professor 

We recognize Professor Levine as a brilliant artist and programmer and are 
thankful for his
contributions to the department and to Massart.It is extremely painful to see 
his toxic rant
against the department, besmearing the College and insulting us by name while 
himself as the victim.

As artists, teachers and mentors, it is our responsibility to stand up when we 
are bullied and to
treat each other with respect. It is also our duty to foster an open, 
respectful, and collegial
environment for our students.

Soon-Mi Yoo, Chair
Ericka Beckman, Professor
Gretchen Skogerson, Professor
Joe Briganti, Studio Manager, Video Area
Kim Keown, Studio Manager, Film Area
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