Dear Frameworks,

I am having trouble finding consensus on how to shoot and process Kodak's
now discontinued 7363 hi-con stock. I bought a bunch from the last run they
did (2015 I believe) and am now starting to shoot it. I know that there
have been threads that address this in the past (one even came up in a
google search) and that this issue, or similar ones, are touched on in
books like Kathryn Ramey's textbook -- but even so, I'm still left
wondering how to rate it, and how to leave it in developer.

My desire: shoot 7363 in daylight, develope in Lomo tank without push/pull
in D19 as B&W Neg.

In the first test I did, it was shot at 6ASA and developed for about 6min
and this resulted in a mostly overexposed negative. Also, I'm most familiar
with D19 so am not sure if there might be other equivalent developers
requiring the same timing that could give me an idea of where to begin.

Any insight y'all may have would be greatly appreciated!
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