On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 12:27 PM, Bryan Wendorf <bryan.wend...@gmail.com>

> I don't believe anyone has posted about this yet. I am sorry to be the one
> to have to share this news. Boston based filmmaker Robert Todd was reported
> missing yesterday. He had last been seen heading to Franklin Park near his
> home Thursday evening. Today a search party found his body in the park. No
> cause of death has been reported yet.
> Rob has been a constant presence at experimental film festivals around the
> world for nearly twenty years now. I know I first screened one of his films
> at CUFF in 2001. I met him for the first time at Media City in I believe
> 2009. He was a kind, talented, prolific and generous man.

Thank you for posting Bryan. I had seen the missing reports, and hoped that
Rob would surface, alive and well.

Rob was a great maker, teacher, and deeply engaged in the Boston film
community. He always made my visits to Boston such a joy. The first time I
met Rob in person,
we took a long walk along the Charles. He was always very giving with his
time. I can say that Rob truly is one of the warmest and most generous
individuals I have shared
time with.

My heart goes out to his family, friends and those in the Boston community
who knew Rob.



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