In honor of Mekas, keep cinema alive by going to the cinema. Shoot film,
shoot video, shoot with your heart and your kino-eye.
Jonas loved cinema, and he also loved music. Support your local musicians.
Go see musicians perform and put dollars in the hat. Laugh and dance with
them. Keep the avant-garde sounds snd sights alive, wherever you may be.
Think the world through poetics, like Mekas tried so hard to keep alive.
And if you imbibe, have a fernet and toast to his spiritus.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 3:17 AM Scott Hammen <> wrote:

> Since some Frameworkers may not see (or care about) Facebook, I thought
> this post from Tara Merenda Nelson
> should reach them anyway:
> Jonas Mekas was a great filmmaker, but to me his greatest legacy will be
> his cooperative, collaborative work in service to experimental film. He
> wasn’t in it for himself alone; he understood that filmmaking requires
> community, and he showed up for our community in every way possible. When
> nobody would write about avant garde film, he started a column in the
> newspaper, then a critical journal in which other artists could contribute
> their own thoughts. He worked with artists to promote and distribute their
> films all over the world. He saw the importance of preserving the films
> made by artists long before there was popular support for such a thing. In
> every interview I have read, he tells the stories of others, anyone who
> helped shoot or made connections or drove the van. His films are full of
> people, real people whom he loved and cared about, not just as characters
> or subjects. He showed up for screenings, participated in discussions, and
> shared his movies with everyone until the day he died.
> Sometimes I get very discouraged by the disgraceful history of the
> American avant garde, and by the increasingly self-serving, capitalist
> model that has nearly taken over the practice of making and showing
> experimental film. But losing Jonas today has gotten me fired up to do
> better, and to carry on the practice of contributing to the community that
> Jonas and his collaborators helped build in the first place.
> Filmmaking is a community, not a competition.
> Long Live Experimental Cinema!
> Cheers Jonas.
> <>
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 at 18:04, FrameWorks Admin <>
> wrote:
>> Yes he passed away early this morning, peacefully at home.
>> He was 96 and still very active. He already prepared two books to be
>> released this spring.
>> There will be a Buddhist ceremony in the near future.
>> - Pip Chodorov
>> On Jan 23, 2019, at 5:58 PM, Jonathan Walley <> wrote:
>> Hello Frameworks community,
>> I’ve just heard that Jonas Mekas has died:
>> I wish I had something compelling to say at this point, but I’m stunned
>> into silence for the moment.
>> All best wishes to everyone,
>> Jonathan
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