
I forwarded your question to Jeff Silva, as he was very active in the Boston 
film scene at that time (lately he’s living in Marseille).

He wrote this:

I know nothing of this Fusion film workshop. I was around and hanging out with 
Rob at that time but I don't recall that name. It might have had something to 
do with BFVF but I can't recollect that precise name of a workshop. We also had 
a thing at what is now AgX in Waltham called "Lost Monday's" run by Devon 
Damonte which was more of a weekly hang out and camerless filmmaking thing. The 
only person I can think of who might know is Vanessa O'Neil but i haven't been 
in contact with her for a while.

Bob Harris

> On Apr 9, 2019, at 3:01 PM, Mark Toscano <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know anything about the Fusion Film Workshop, which was something 
> going on in Boston area 1998-2000 or thereabouts?
> Asking because in Robert Todd's collection, there are a few prints of a 
> trailer presumably made by Rob, culminating in "Fusion Film Workshop 
> presents".  A search online brought up info on an event so named which took 
> place in Beverly, MA in July 2000 at the New Harbor Media Institute, but one 
> of Rob's prints is actually dated Spring 1998, so I'm guessing this wasn't a 
> one-time thing.
> Bottom line, I'm just hoping to figure out what this thing is.  Anyone know?
> thanks very much,
> Mark Toscano
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