Oh, My Foot Hurts, 1990, and I’m Going, 1973,(https://vimeo.com/192276716 
<https://vimeo.com/192276716>), both by Józef Robakowski

— — — — 
Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond

http://www.anderwald-grond.at <http://www.anderwald-grond.at/>

Until I clear this place be a part of me – mind, body and soul. 
If I sway, sway with me. Charles Blondin
— — — — 
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> Am 03.05.2019 um 01:02 schrieb Scott MacDonald <smacd...@hamilton.edu>:
> Hey Frameworkers,
> A colleague is interested in films in which walking is a central formal 
> thread.
> Do any of you have suggestions? 
> Please contact me separately.
> Scott
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