

This week [July 27 - August 4, 2019] in avant garde cinema

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Yours In Sisterhood, By Irene Lusztig 
  [July 28, Los Angeles, California] 

The Wake Up! Memorial (Cologne, Germany; Deadline: October 31, 2019)

Save the Archives Film Festival (Milwaukee, WI, 53211; Deadline: August 05, 
THEN, WHAT IF? (Torrington, CT; Deadline: August 01, 2019)
DOBRA - Festival Int'l de Cinema Experimental (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ; 
Deadline: August 10, 2019)
Analogica (Bolzano, Italy; Deadline: July 31, 2019)

Events are sorted alphabetically BY CITY within each DATE.

This week's programs (summary): 

*       Yours In Sisterhood, By Irene Lusztig [July 28, Los Angeles, 
*       Not An Addict Presents An Evening With Michael Woods [July 28, New 
York, New York] 
*       Scrapbook Performances: Bill Brand "Pong Ping Pong" [July 29, Brooklyn, 
New York] 
*       Three Projectors For Three Approaches To Psychotherapy [July 30, 
Brooklyn, NY United States] 
*       Jonas Mekas Tribute Screenings Part 2: Program 2 [July 30, New York, 
*       Eai Invites: Martha Wilson [August 1, New York, New York] 
*       Then What If? [August 1, Torrington CT] 
*       Scrapbook Performances: Bradley Eros "Movie Head Box" [August 2, 
Brooklyn, New York] 
*       Rhinebeck, Ny [August 2, Rhinebeck, NY United States]  

SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2019

Los Angeles, California: Filmforum
7:30 pm, Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian, 6712 Hollywood Blvd.
What might be revealed in the process of inviting strangers to act out and 
respond to 1970s feminism today? Between 2015 and 2017, hundreds of strangers 
in communities all over the US were invited to read aloud and respond to 
letters from the 70s sent to the editor of Ms. Magazine–the first mainstream 
feminist magazine in the US. The intimate, provocative, and sometimes 
heartbreaking conversations that emerge from these spontaneous performances 
make us think critically about the past, present, and future of feminism. Newly 
urgent in the aftermath of the 2016 election, YOURS IN SISTERHOOD is a 
collective portrait of feminism now and forty years ago–a project about time 
travel, embodied listening, empathy, public discourse, and the lost art of 
letter writing. Irene Lusztig in person! Los Angeles premiere! Trailer: 

New York, New York: Synaesthesia Gallery
7PM, 47 Thames St #306 New York, New York 11237
Not an Addict is an ongoing series of events examining experimental as it 
pertains to the thematics of the addiction curated by Devon Narine-Singh, 
filmmaker and artist in recovery. Tonight's evening welcomes filmmaker M.Woods 
on his US tour to present several works and share his process of how's 
experience with addiction has shaped him and his work. M. Woods is a 
American-Latinx media terrorist working in avant-garde film, video art, 
photography, collage, sound design, and performance. Woods' work chronicles the 
spread of the Numb Spiral, the results of a digital sickness that manifests 
itself in the codification and symbolic negation of being. His work is a 
fashioned attack against the institutional structures of white supremacy and 
the alpha male fantasy. The Numb Spiral is the point at which consciousness 
negates being, and a cruel illusion maintains control of the flailing senses. 
What begins as apathy, surreptitiously devolves into solipsism and nihilism, 
until the infected succumbs to the perception of total illusion. The Digital 
Sickness is the evil at the heart of mediated representation, and in tandem 
with spectacle and the negation of the simulacra, the Digital Sickness marches 
onwards towards the eradication of the real and the propagation of its double. 
Represented by LACDA Gallery in Downtown Los Angeles Board Member at The Vast 
Lab, Los Angeles Distributed by Collectif Jeune Cinema, Paris.​ DOOR: $15 

MONDAY, JULY 29, 2019

Brooklyn, New York: Microscope Gallery
7:30pm, 1329 Willoughby Ave
We welcome Bill Brand to Microscope for the New York debut of his 1971 
performance and installation work “Pong Ping Pong”. The event is the fifth of 
ten performances taking place as part of our exhibition “Scrapbook (or, Why 
Can’t We Live Together)”. The approximately 25-minute “Pong Ping Pong” — which 
involves the projection of 16mm film of a ping-pong match from a rotating 
electric table onto a circle of 8 foot tall screens — breaks the linearity of 
the table sport and engages with three-dimensionality in a circular space. The 
turntable used in the performance was also used to shoot the film, with the 
camera shifting back and forth to follow the ball as Brand navigated around the 
players and match. Through the projection of the footage outwardly, from the 
center where the audience is also seated out to the circumference of screens, 
“the space is turned inside out”. The repetitive and dual nature of the game is 
referenced in the soundtrack, in which the artist recorded a series of words 
over and over again on a single reel-to-reel tape, creating a slow degradation. 
The artist’s voice bounces between the left and right channel and the 
distorting words and other sounds “accumulate to become a complex drone sound.” 
The idea to present film more sculpturally grew out of the artist’s interest in 
theater and his work at that time on set design for a play by Samuel Beckett. 
“Pong Ping Pong” was completed a few months before Brand began his 
collaboration with Paul Sharits on “Sound Strip / Film strip” (1971) and was 
first shown in the spring of 1971 at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio 
where he was a student. The work appeared a few weeks later at Western College 
in Oxford, Ohio. It has not been presented in full since. More Info: 
www.microscopegallery.com, tel: 347.925.1433, RSVP to 
r...@microscopegallery.com. Jefferson L (exit Starr Street). 

TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2019

Brooklyn, NY United States: Light Industry
7:00 PM, 155 Freeman St
Jennifer Reeves has long experimented with the formal possibilities of cinema 
as a way to explore the psychiatric institutions and ideas that have shaped our 
contemporary understanding of the self, from her 1996 film Chronic, which 
probes the turbulent inner life of a punk teenager in and out of a mental 
hospital, to her 2004 feature The Time We Killed, centering on the reveries of 
an agoraphobic Manhattanite in the days following 9/11. At Light Industry she 
will debut a new multi-projector performance, Three Projectors for Three 
Approaches to Psychotherapy, which takes as its core material a 16mm print of 
the influential 1965 teaching film Three Approaches to Psychotherapy. 
“Throughout the 1950s and 1960s,” Reeves explains, “new and radically different 
theories of psychotherapy were simultaneously growing in prominence. 
Publications, conferences, and training programs detailed the conceptual basis 
and techniques of the different practices, but how did these groundbreaking 
theorists speak and interact with their patients in a real session? The 
feature-length Three Approaches to Psychotherapy was meant to demonstrate the 
answer to that question.” Produced by therapist Everett Shostrom (later author 
of the popular title Man the Manipulator), Three Approaches documents the 
treatment undertaken by Gloria Szymanski, a 31-year-old divorcee and single 
mother. She meets with Albert Ellis, founder of Rational Emotive Behavior 
Therapy; Fritz Perls, pioneer of Gestalt therapy; and Carl Rogers, a progenitor 
of the humanistic, or person-centered, school. “Gloria,” Reeves continues, “a 
person who came of age well before the women’s liberation movement, consults 
each therapist in earnest and discovers herself in profoundly different 
conversations and dynamics with these men. An actual patient allowed herself to 
be filmed while engaged in therapy with three different doctors, distinguished 
by their divergent orientations but sharing their therapeutic endeavors.” 
Tickets - $8, available at door. Please note: seating is limited. First-come, 
first-served. Box office opens at 6:30pm. 

New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives
7:30 PM, 32 Second Avenue
by Andy Warhol + Jonas MekasShare +Twitter. INTRODUCED BY CURATOR JOHN G. 
HANHARDT!Hanhardt is an independent curator of film and the media arts, and the 
general editor on the second volume of the Andy Warhol film catalogue 
raisonné. Andy Warhol SCREEN TEST [ST211]: JONAS MEKAS (1964, 4 min, 16mm) 
Jonas Mekas SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF ANDY WARHOL (Filmed 1965-82/edited 1990, 35 
min, 16mm) "The film is made up of my film diaries related to Andy Warhol from 
the years 1965-1982. Locations are New York and Montauk: The Factory, house of 
George Maciunas, Village Gate, psychiatrist's convention, home of Stephen 
Shore, Warhol Estate, Montauk, etc. The 'cast' includes Lou Reed, Nico, Edie 
Sedgwick, Gerard Malanga, Andy Warhol, Allen Ginsberg, Ed Sanders, Barbara 
Rubin, Tuli Kupferberg, Peter Orlovsky, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, George Maciunas, 
Vincent Friemont, Henry Geldzahler, Paul Morrissey, Karen Lerner, Jay Lerner, 
Peter Beard, John Kennedy Jr., Lee Radziwill, Tina Radziwill, Anthony 
Radziwill, D'Allessandro, Caroline Kennedy, Mick Jagger, Jade Jagger, and many 
others. Completed in June, 1990." -Jonas Mekas Jonas Mekas ZEFIRO TORNA OR 
SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF GEORGE MACIUNAS (Filmed 1952-78/edited 1992, 34 min, 
16mm) "Footage of George Maciunas taken between 1952 and 1978. Includes footage 
of his parents, footage of many Fluxus events and scenes from Maciunas's 
private life and friends. Such as Yoko Ono, John Lennon, Andy Warhol, Joe 
Jones, Almus Salcius, and many others. Soundtrack: A madrigal by Monteverdi 
(Zefiro Torna); Jonas Mekas reading from the diaries kept during the last year 
of Maciunas's life." -Jonas Mekas Jonas Mekas HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOHN (Filmed 
1971-80/edited 1996, 24 min, 16mm) "October 9, 1972, an exhibition of John 
Lennon/Yoko Ono's art, designed by the Master of the Fluxus movement, George 
Maciunas, opened at the Syracuse Museum of Art, curated by David Ross. Same day 
an unusual group of John's and Yoko's friends, including Ringo, Allen Ginsberg, 
Paul Krasner, and many others, gathered to celebrate John's birthday. This film 
is a visual and audio record of that event. We hear improvised songs, sung by 
Ringo, John, Yoko and their friends, not as a clean studio recording, but as a 
birthday party singing, free and happy. There are other images included in the 
film that develops like a 'music video': the John & Yoko party at Klein's 
(their agent), June 12, 1971; August 1972, John and Yoko concert at Madison 
Square Garden; the Central Park Vigil after John was shot; and some other 
footage that I have taken on different occasions of John and Yoko." -Jonas 
Mekas Total running time: ca. 100 min. 


New York, New York: Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)
7:00 PM, 535 West 22nd Street, 5th Floor
For the third installment of EAI Invites, Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) is 
pleased to welcome Martha Wilson, the pathbreaking feminist artist and founding 
director of Franklin Furnace. Noting that “most people are interested in sex” 
and the subject’s subsequent broad appeal, Martha Wilson has selected sexually 
explicit and audacious work from the collections of both EAI and Franklin 
Furnace, exploring human relations from multiple perspectives. Works screened 
will include Post Porn Modernist, a 1990 performance by Annie Sprinkle, along 
with a selection of film and video by Ellen Cantor, Barbara Hammer, Mike 
Kelley, Cynthia Maughan, Bruce Nauman, Carolee Schneemann, and Julie Zando. 

Torrington CT: NewMediaNewMusicNewEngland
evening, Five Points Visual Arts Center (travelling)
SEEKING 60 second sound works and 60 second silent videos from composers and 
artists for a gallery/screening/web project. (see website for details) 
Submissions may be new works designed specifically for this project or 60 
second excerpts from existing works. No geographic limit to producer's location 
- international call. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO AUGUST 1. NO ENTRY FEE. (Those 
curated into the program will be asked to contribute $10 via PayPal or other) 


Brooklyn, New York: Microscope Gallery
7:30pm, 1329 Willoughby Ave
MovieHeadBox is an expanded cinema performance by Bradley Eros presented for 
the first time since its 1983 debut at ABC No Rio, in New York. In this 
individual and personalized cinematic experience the viewer is seated in a 
chair wearing a cardboard box with stretched screen material on its front 
panel. The artist then projects a Super 8mm film onto the box’s screen by 
holding a small projector from a distance. Sound is provided via headphones 
connected to a Walkman cassette player. The viewer will be able to choose from 
a selection of 10 film reels with rare original footage shot by Eros, each 
approximately 3 minutes in length. Among the options are: “Coney Island, 
costumes & ocean” (1982); “Canary Islands, ritual w/ Aline” (1986); “New 
Mexico: Canyon De Chelly” (1983); “Key West: flamingos / Madison: Halloween 
party @ Cardinal Bar” (1978); “New York: Popo (@8BC), Kembra, Jack & Peter” 
(1985). Additionally, the viewer will select a soundtrack from 10 cassette 
tapes containing original sound mixes by the artist, with themes including 
“World Music Mix”, “Spooky Films”, “Electronic Landscapes”, “Women’s Voices”, 
Witchcraft Music”, and others. MovieHeadBox is a quasi-readymade, DIY, 
democratized version of a VR headset for the personal, immersive and 
concentrated experience of cinema. RSVP is required for this event (to 
r...@microscopegallery.com) Please indicate if you would like participate as a 
viewer and we will confirm your time slot in advance. General admission $10, 
Students & Members $8. More info: www.microscopegallery.com, 
i...@microscopegallery.com tel: 347.925.1433. Jefferson L (exit Starr St). 

Rhinebeck, NY United States: Black Maria Film Festival
8:00 PM, 6415 Montgomery St., Rte 9
The Black Maria Film Festival’s 38th Annual Festival tour, returns this year on 
Friday evening, August 2nd at 8:15PM to Upstate Films, 6415 Montgomery St., 
Rhinebeck, NY, to present some of the most engaging short films of the 2019 
season. The program will be presented in-person by festival director, Jane 
Steuerwald, and features a collection of stellar works touring with the 
festival this year. The selections include animation, documentary, and 
narrative films from the top award-winning works chosen by the festival jury. 
Immediately following the screening, Jane Steuerwald will be joined by 
filmmaker Seth Kramer and writer/actress Ann Talman for a Q & A with the 
audience. Ticket prices are $10 Adults / $8 Seniors / $6 Members Join us at the 
Liberty Public House next door to continue the conversation and for drinks 
after the show (cash bar). 


Let us know about your alternative film/video event! 

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