Hey folks,

I'm looking for a clean and reliable subletter for my old-school loft in 
Brooklyn, from approx October 21st 2019 to June 30th 2020 (finalizing dates at 
the mo, will discuss further in person). The loft is big and spacious (approx 
550 square feet) with hardwood floors, high ceilings and great light; there’s a 
separate bedroom and a large living room with basic kitchen (two hot plates, 
counter, fridge and sink). The loft is fully furnished, close to two subway 
stops and has a view of Manhattan (and lots of good books and music!). I'm 
travelling for work - the loft is my live/work space, so I’m looking for 
someone who will respect and take care of it while I’m out of town. 

Rent is $1620, this includes utilities (without a/c) and cleaning once a month. 
Additional utilities (eg: if a/c used) will be paid by the subletter. To secure 
the sublet I'll need 3 references, the 1st month’s rent and a deposit of one 
month’s rent which I will return once you've moved out. The replacement cost of 
anything missing or damaged will be subtracted from the deposit. No pets 
allowed (non-negotiable). Get in touch for pix, further info &c!  
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