Hey all!

I notice that the list is really pretty heavy on works created after 2000… It 
would be great to get some more works on there that were made in the 
1920s,30s,40s,50s,60s,70s,80s, and 90s. (I guess I cold have just said 1900s or 
20th century)…. I realize that maybe there is more difficult accessing 
transfers of that stuff, or copyright issues… and then the ethics of inluding 
things that were maybe posted and in violation of copyright…. Tricky-sticky 

But this is a pretty unique time and situation — no one can go to a cinema 
right now… we are in quarantines… it seems like the perfect time to temporarily 
make hard to find amazing, haunting, and moving experimental films available 
online  - if only for a limited short time during the quarantine…. A sort of 
online happening if you will!

If this is a playlist for students in quarantine that is to both bring comfort 
and educate… it would be really great if we could include some more 20th 
century works…. I’ve tried to add as many as I could find… but damn… so many of 
the early silent works have sound tracks added to them (and often bad sound 
tracks)… I can’t tell you the number of different “meshes of the afternoon” 
YouTube videos have wildly different soundtracks (and mostly bad!)… sigh… ugh… 

anyway… just a thought… if there are folks who want to dig to add some older 
works, that would be great… or if any of these are your own works… and right 
now you have them password protected or only a short preview… maybe it might be 
worth putting the whole thing up for a limited period of time during the 

I removed my passwords just for the duration of the quarantine… maybe some 
other filmmakers with beautiful works made in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, who are on 
this list might consider temporarily making their films available online for 
the quarantine period, and adding them to the list…. It’s a very unique time 
that we are in… no one can gather in a cinema right now… so why not make an 
exception and share some works online in these seemingly apocalyptic times?

Just a thought. 

Hoping everyone is staying healthy… wash your hands… and moisturize… dry 
cracked skin bleeds and that’s no good either. 
Sanitize your phones, keyboards, light switches… and drink lots and lots of 
Tea made with thyme and rosemary is good for the respiratory tract (and it’s 
yummy too)
Honey, lemon, ginger cloves, cinnamon, peppercorns, and fresh thyme and 
rosemary for the lungs. 

This coming from an asthmatic who gets a lung infection almost every year… 
And just recovered from a bad 2 month long one a few weeks ago… so am now 
self-isolating to protect myself. 

Stay healthy everyone…. AND ADD SOME FILMS FROM BEFORE 2000 !!! :-)

With lots of love and soap and moisturizer, 


> On 2020Mar 16,, at 4:51 PM, cristiana miranda 
> <cristianamiranda.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kate,
> What a sweet and beautiful idea!
> Thank you, more than ever art community needs to find new ways to be 
> together...
> Cris Miranda
> Em sáb., 14 de mar. de 2020 às 01:00, kate lain <k...@katemakesfilms.com 
> <mailto:k...@katemakesfilms.com>> escreveu:
> Hi, Frameworkers!  I was gathering some online experimental work to send to 
> my students now that in-person classes are canceled and then I thought hey, 
> this could be a fun collaborative resource for other folks out there in the 
> same boat.  So I've created a google sheet: "CABIN FEVER: Coping with 
> COVID-19 playlist of online experimental films & videos", complete with 
> categories like <laugh & smile>, <sing & dance>, <meditative & calming>, and 
> <get outside>.  It's editable by anyone with a link.  Please join in if you 
> want -- add movies, add categories, rearrange stuff, whatever.  Add your own 
> movies too!!  Movies should be publicly viewable online (and free).  Feel 
> free to share with your students or anyone else who might enjoy checking it 
> out.  Happy viewing!!
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DHealTzCR0qNkq-fbuPRd9Nzi7NSAM5HKQ84grFEFO8/edit#gid=0
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DHealTzCR0qNkq-fbuPRd9Nzi7NSAM5HKQ84grFEFO8/edit#gid=0>
> —Kate Lain
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