Thank you for posting this remembrance, Ron.


> On Apr 8, 2020, at 2:17 PM, Green, Ron Green <> wrote:
> The NYTimes reported on April 3 that Chloe Aaron died of cancer Feb 29. The 
> Times obituary understandably focused on her major contributions in building 
> PBS from a collection of stations into a national network while she was 
> senior vice president there in the late 1970s and early '80s. She developed 
> documentary and news programs such as MacNeil Lehrer that later became The 
> News Hour; she established major arts series and she instituted national 
> airing times that advanced and centralized the PBS system at the national 
> level.
> Less well known is her critical advancement of the fields of American 
> independent film and video. I worked for Chloe in the early mid-70s as her 
> assistant director in the Public Media Program at the National Endowment for 
> the Arts, the predecessor to the Media Arts Program. She was a visionary 
> leader who implemented NEA director, Nancy Hanks's, mission to use media, 
> specifically documentary film and television, to expand access to the 
> traditional arts.
> But Chloe's most impressive and visionary contribution to that mission was to 
> gradually transform the NEA's commitment to film as a mere pipeline for the 
> other arts into a mission that included the support of documentary film as 
> itself an art form. At the same time, she strategically and diplomatically 
> expanded the NEA's direct support of all independent film, including 
> experimental avant-garde, animation, and narrative filmmaking.  She appointed 
> a standing panel of independent experts that included George Stoney, Ricky 
> Leacock, Donn Pennebaker, Fred Wiseman, Stan VanDerBeek, Shirley Clarke, and 
> educators and scholars like Gerald O'Grady, Colin Young (formerly BFI), and 
> Sheldon Renan. Eventually, virtually the whole of the pantheon of film and 
> video artists scholars, pioneers, administrators, and educators in the 
> independent cinema of the '70s in America passed through her program on 
> panels and as grant recipients. She hired me specifically because I was 
> working for O'Grady's legendary programs in independent film at Buffalo, and 
> Chloe felt she needed more staff who were already connected to independent 
> film in order to advance one of her priorities, the regional media-center 
> movement that supported independent filmmakers throughout the country in the 
> '80s and '90s.
> Her leadership and friendship were a major positive influence on my life, and 
> also on countless other working frameworkers ever since the 1970s. I have 
> always been proud of her accomplishments, which seemed to flow naturally from 
> her easy, light-spirited, far-sighted and effective leadership. She never 
> took the limelight, and she had fun--but she performed miracles all her life. 
>  I wish her family well.
> Ron Green
> 356 W 7th Ave
> Columbus OH 43201
> 614.421.2131
> J. Ronald Green
> Professor Emeritus of Film Studies
> Department of History of Art
> The Ohio State University
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