It's 1997 and I'm sitting in a pre-screening meeting with 8 or 9 people at
the Irondequoit High School. We have met to decide on the works to be
screened at the Rochester International Film Festival. Each of us has a
stack of evaluation forms on which we complete rankings for each work on
several scales. There is also space at the bottom of the sheet to compose
written feedback to the filmmaker. After the meeting, the forms completed
for a particular film are gathered together and taken home. I have
volunteered to write up the results of our discussion of some particular
film. The next day I sit at a coffee shop and read over the comments others
have recorded for the work in question. I am most intent, however, on
providing my own thoughts. In many such cases, the work has not been
selected. Among the incentives for writing well is to share with the
filmmaker the enthusiasm generated by the work, despite the decision. My
enthusiasm was often in response to a short work little appreciated among
the other members of the committee.

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