Hi Scott Dorsey, I am interested in your idea of a script for extracting 
information from a .WAV file and creating a modulated white line. I have no 
idea how to do either, though I do have some experience with scripting. What 
scripting tool could do this? How does a script read values in a WAV file?


Yes I’m aware of the frame line problem, though those of us in the experimental 
film world might find this “interesting.” 😊


Thanks! Scott Stark



On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 10:17 AM Scott Dorsey <klu...@panix.com 
<mailto:klu...@panix.com> > wrote:

Ahh, I get it, you want a digital image of what the soundtrack would like and
you want to plot it out as part of your filmout.

This turns out not to be an easy thing to do because of the frame lines...
it is very very hard to get the bottom of one frame to line up perfectly with
the top of the next one so there is not some discontinuity 24 times a second.
The Arrilaser recorder can do it, but they take a file that consists of 
frames and turn it into a datastream that consists of individual lines, and
plot a line at a time instead of a frame at a time.

But if you want to try it just to see what happens, it should not be all
that hard to write a little script to create two white lines whose width
varies with modulation.  Pull values one at a time out of a .wav file, 
use them to set the width of the line directly.

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