Here's an essay I wrote the day after the 9-11 attack, but hadn't sent out 
because it was such a first impression; I wanted to watch what happened and 
see whether my thoughts would change or evolve over the following weeks. I 
kind of went full circle and came back to substantially agreeing with this. I 
think the attack could not have happened without being somehow permitted by 
God--not that God does evil, but that God can use even evil for good. The 
good would be that we reconsider some of the ways we have departed from God's 
ways and return to him in repentance. So in addition to the many other things 
we do in the wake of 9-11, including bringing evildoers to justice, we should 
undertake self-examination and change. 

I had more room to work out these ideas a week after the event on Beliefnet, 
in the last two essays I sent out (on repentance, and on "why does God permit 
evil?"). The repentance essay will be in a forthcoming book compiling 
Beliefnet coverage, "From the Ashes," from Rodale Press. It's due Oct 11, and 
the first print run of 60,000 has already sold out.  

So far I haven't seen much of the reflection I was hoping for. A friend 
described to me a TV show in which the women were celebrating the 
sexualization of our culture merely because it is offensive to Muslims--while 
I think it's been a tragic mistake and is something we should begin to 
correct. I've heard vicious fantasies about revenge on our enemies, even from 
Christians, who should know better, because justice does not require hate. In 
general, it still seems to me that "God Bless America" is frequently a 
shallow sentiment, spray-on piety, backed by no intention of submitting to 
God. A priest from Lebanon told me, "In America people treat God as if they 
have him in a genie bottle. When there's trouble, they let him out so he can 
use his power to fix things. Other times they won't let people say his name 
or pray in public."

Pastor David Wilkerson of the Times Square Church has had a couple of good 
sermons expressing some of these ideas. In one he echoes almost word-for-word 
what Fr. George told me the day after the event, about watching the 
Congressmen sing "God Bless America" (below). However, I know from my email 
box that many people find these sentiments horrifying and intolerable. I 
think this is one of those "if you have ears to hear" situations, where a 
number of people are seeing a very complex and serious thing, and seeing the 
same thing, and trying to find ways to talk about it--and others see part of 
it, and are upset, offended and angry. It will take time for us to get better 

This essay will also appear in the next issue of Touchstone magazine. I'm 
told it has also been reprinted on Ecclesia, the web magazine of the Orthodox 
Church of Greece. It sounds like there its being taken as support for some 
other statements--I don't know anything about it, so I don't know if I would 
agree with that use or not. They didn't ask reprint permission, and I just 
learned of this second-hand. I generally don't mind anyone reprinting, 
although Beliefnet requires folks to wait 60 days (this wasn't a Bnet piece, 

Finally, if you haven't visited lately, drop in on my website, Webmaster Mitch Bright, of, has given it a 
detailed update, and among other things nearly all the photos in the family 
album are new. 

ON the day after the tragedy I drove through Washington, surprised to find it 
uncongested and tranquil. I drove past the battered Pentagon, where cars 
crept along the interstate at a few miles an hour as people craned their 
necks to see and comprehend our national wound. A few miles further, down 
among the suburban office towers, is a tiny old white clapboard church.

I stepped inside the cool interior, which was dimly lit and covered on walls 
and ceiling with paintings of Christ and the Apostles, of biblical figures 
and heroes from long ago. I took a seat to wait for my spiritual father and 
looked around. I saw faces of men and women who had known suffering, much 
more severe than what I had ever experienced, even as rocked as I felt just 
then. They stood serene around the walls, many holding symbols of victory. 

Fr. George Calciu came out from beside the altar and greeted me. He is a 
small, resilient man, unusually vigorous for his seventy-six years. His hair 
and beard are thick and white, and his face is permanently creased with the 
marks of indomitable good cheer. Cheerfulness is an unlikely attribute, given 
his story. In his native Romania Fr. George challenged the communist 
authorities repeatedly and forcefully, with a courage that defied 
self-preservation. He was confined in brutal prisons, subjected to 
brainwashing, and formed a lifelong friendship with a fellow prisoner, 
Richard Wurmbrand, author of Tortured for Christ.

Today the first thing he asked me was, "Why do you think that happened 

I was stumped for a minute. I hadn't thought of exactly that question. I said 
"I don't know."

Fr. George said, "It was the punishment of God."

Well, there's something I hadn't thought of. Though I wondered why I hadn't; 
I've just finished an intensive study of the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, 
and knew that the Jews have always seen even that brutal and sacrilegious 
tragedy as divine retribution for their sins. In fact, that seems to be the 
Old Testament pattern; anytime Israel suffered a military defeat, they 
responded with repentance. It didn't replace other strategic responses, but 
was an indispensable companion.

This isn't just an Old Testament phenomenon. When people told Jesus that 
Pilate had killed worshippers at the Temple, he responded, "Unless you 
repent, you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3). There seems to be a 
biblical pattern here: national suffering should bring about repentance.

I have often wondered what might return our sick culture to health. I've 
sometimes felt overwhelmed at the ugliness of America's spiritual condition, 
at 40 million children killed by abortion, at the promotion world-wide of 
sexual promiscuity and materialism, the contempt of God, the spreading 
infection of American culture.

I've often wondered what might turn us around. Everything moves in cycles, 
and some sick cultures do return to health; it can happen in a generation. 
But I have never heard of a historical example that wasn't inaugurated by 
catastrophe. Healing is the fruit of repentance, and repentance comes in the 
wake of suffering. There aren't many examples of spontaneous remission from 
this sort of illness.

Fr. George told me that the night before he had opened his Bible and it had 
fallen to Psalm 127. He read me the first verse: "Unless the Lord builds the 
house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the 
city, the watchman stays awake in vain." How, he asked me, could the 
hijackers have overcome such a high level of security unless the Lord somehow 
permitted it? 

He then turned to Daniel 9:12-14.

"He has confirmed his words, which he spoke against us and against our rulers 
who ruled us, by bringing upon us a great calamity; for under the whole 
heaven there has not been done the like of what has been done against 
Jerusalem. As it is written in the law of Moses, all this calamity has come 
upon us, yet we have not entreated the favor of the Lord our God, turning 
from our iniquities and giving heed to thy truth. Therefore the Lord has kept 
ready the calamity and has brought it upon us; for the Lord our God is 
righteousness in all the works which he has done, and we have not obeyed his 

Fr. George went on to say that the concepts of repentance and humility are 
mostly absent in America, and it doesn't seem likely that we'll understand 
the lesson. When he first came to the U.S. he would sometimes speak of the 
sins he committed in prison, and people would say, "How could you commit 
sins? You were in prison." He smiled at this. "Of course you still sin," he 
said. "You sin in your thoughts."

But Americans, he says, are very proud, and are used to being powerful, and 
the concepts of repentance and humility are not commonly expressed even among 
conservative Christians. Over the years I have come to see how these concepts 
are the very core of the Gospels; they were Jesus' most consistent message.

But we tend to skip over them in our rush to reassure ourselves that God 
loves us. He does, of course, but you don't really know how much he loves you 
until you dare to repent. Until you see how much God had to forgive in you, 
you can't really see the height of his love. Not many churches where that is 
preached today, conservative or liberal.

Thus it won't do much good for us to spray on some superficial piety, while 
not taking it to deep, self-challenging levels. Fr. George said that he was 
very moved when he saw the Congressmen singing "God Bless America." Then he 
began to think, in how many of their votes and actions do these same men and 
women work to cast away the blessing of God?

The thought occurred to me that what the song could really mean is, "God, 
bless the things we already do; bless the things we have decided to do." A 
friend of mine says the local strip club has changed its sign to read "God 
Bless America," which just about sums up the problem. 

This gave me a lot to think about. For years I've been thinking that the main 
thing America needed to do is to be humble and repent. Here comes a blow that 
looks a lot like things God has done in the past to kindle that response, the 
kind of suffering that had Israel weeping in sackcloth.

But no one, including Christians, is likely to draw such conclusions. 
Instead, we'll focus on how much we have been wronged, and smite our 
adversaries by our own considerable earthly power, and feel satisfied at 
videotape of young Arab men frying to death in Jeeps. If Fr. George is right, 
if "repent" is indeed God's message, I'm afraid we'll need more than one 
lesson to get it.

Frederica Mathewes-Green

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