I don't have a column to send today, but thought it might be a good idea to send out my speaking calendar once a month or so. I often run into people who say they'd like to hear me speak, but when I came to their city they didn't know about it. Frustrating. Here's, below, is what's coming up in Feb and Mar. It's a good opportunity to "tell your friends" too, if they live nearby.
But first a calendar joke. I was speaking at St. Ann's church in Knoxville last weekend, and overheard the pastor tell a parishioner, "Tomorrow we'll be publishing a heresy." I was curious about that, you might imagine. What he'd actually said was, "Tomorrow will be Publican and Pharisee."
February 26 -- Costa Mesa, CA (Orange County)
St. Barnabas Church

MARCH - 2005

March 4-5 -- Denver, CO
Epiphany Episcopal Church

March 23 -- Charlottesville, VA
University of Virginia
Frederica Mathewes-Green
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