A blessed Nativity to one and all! My writing output has slowed dramatically 
in the last few months, as I have been traveling around and doing (and 
writing) too many speeches, plus polishing and re-polishing my new book, "The 
Gospel of Mary: The Mother of Jesus in Three Ancient Texts." (It will come out 
from Paraclete Press on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25). 

This might apply to some members of this list: my husband and I will be 
participating in a conference at St. Andrew's House of Studies in Detroit on 
29-30. The idea is to gather Orthodox clergy who were previously Episcopalian / 
Anglican, and have them talk about the differences in theology, liturgy, etc., 
and answer questions from people who are Episcopalian / Anglican clergy or 
lay leaders now. 

The idea for the conference arose because so many of us are being peppered 
with email questions and inquiries all the time, in a scattershot way. The 
people at St. Andrew's House of Studies had the idea that getting people 
in one place for a conference might be more helpful. 

Details here: http://www.orthodoxdetroit.com/index.htm  Feel free to pass 
this on to anyone you think would be interested. 

Merry Christmas!

Frederica Mathewes-Green
Frederica-l mailing list
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