I wish I had something more elevating to talk about on the eve of 
Christmas--"Walk Hard" is an intermittently good movie, but hardly spiritual 
fare. More 
seasonal is a segment that will be posted today on the Star of Bethlehem, at 
the website of Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, a program that airs on PBS.
They came to my house to interview me a couple of weeks ago. I did some 
research before the interview and was surprised to learn that St. John 
believed the "star" of Bethlehem was not a star in the usual sense, but an 
invisible being (eg, an angel) that God made visible in the form of fire/a 
like the "pillar of fire" that led the children of Israel in the wilderness. I 
made a recording of the Nativity Kontakion of St Romanos the Melodist (475-530 
AD) for my podcast which you can hear here:
in the course of the Kontakion, St Romanos has the Magi say something similar 
about the "star." Perhaps this was a widespread belief in the early Church. 
One person on this list wrote last time to say that it would really help if I 
gave more info abt the movie at the top. So here's the review of "Walk Hard," 
which opens today. The review is for _www.ChristianityTodayMovies.com_ 
(http://www.ChristianityTodayMovies.com) . 
Title: Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story        
Deck:  This parody of music bio-pics like "Ray" and "Walk the Line" presents 
the 60-year career of a popular singer named Dewey Cox.  
Stars: 3 
Rated: R 
Genre: Comedy 
Date Released, Studio: December 21, 2007, by Apatow Productions 
Runtime: 92 min 
Cast: John C. Reilly (Dewey Cox), Jenna Fischer (Darlene Madison), Tim 
Meadows (drummer), Kristen Wiig (Edith Cox) 
Walk Hard 
By Frederica Mathewes-Green 
This will sound like an odd thing to say about a comedy, but "Walk Hard" is 
an ambitious movie. It starts with 6-year-old Dewey Cox picking up a guitar in 
a rural general store and belting out a blues number, and proceeds to show him 
singing with his polite high school band, then going through an Elvis phase, 
on into protest songs, Dylanesque songs with incomprehensible lyrics, rock, 
hard rock, frenzied growling rock, music like the Beatles in their India phase, 
music like the Beach Boys--oh, you name it, it's in there. So in addition to 
telling a hilarious, fast-paced story that hits all the clichés of 
singer-biography movies (lots of drugs, lots of rehab, lots of wives, plenty of 
changes, hairstyle changes, and the accumulating wrinkles of age), the film 
also deliver spot-on music parodies. What's more, this is music that audience 
members know very, very well, so it's not like parodying, say, Puccini. Those 
watching the film could sing the original models of these songs in their 
sleep. The performer, too, must be top-notch, and not just a good actor but a 
singer able to go from Bobby Darrin to Bob Dylan, John Lennon to Johnny Cash, 
in a 
Well, it works. If only for the music numbers, this movie deserves a standing 
ovation. Much of the credit goes to John C. Reilly, an actor with a rubbery 
face and the voice of an angel. He played simple, good-hearted men in two of my 
favorite recent movies, "Magnolia" (1999) and "The Good Girl" (2002), but it 
was in "Chicago" (2002) that I first heard him sing, and the sweet sadness of 
his "Mr. Cellophane" placed a heart at the center of that frantic, heartless 
story.  In "Walk Hard," Reilly has to produce a seemingly-impossible range of 
vocal styles, and does it well. The material he has to work with is excellent 
too, as perfect in exemplifying these many genres as the songs of "A Mighty 
Wind" were to the folk scene. Give the "Walk Hard" soundtrack album to your 
hippest musical friends this Christmas (the ones hip enough to not mind some 
double-entendre lyrics) and they'll be delighted.  
The story begins as Cox, now an old man, is backstage with his guitar, 
awaiting his cue. As he stands with head bowed, leaning against a wall, the 
stage manager reminds him that he goes on in two minutes. But Cox's longtime 
friend and his band's drummer (an unnamed character, well-played by Tim 
Meadows) tells him that, before he performs, Dewey has to think about every 
moment of his life. This first laugh in the film sets up a pattern: characters 
enunciating exactly what the film is trying to get across, as if dimmer 
audience members are in danger of missing it. For example, the next scene shows 
Dewey and his brother Nate setting out for a day of fun. Nate keeps saying 
things like, "It's a good thing I'm going to live a long, long time!" and 
nothing horrible is going to happen today!" The boys end up dueling with 
machetes in the barn, and with one swipe Dewey cuts his brother in half at the 
waist; the unoccupied legs now stand beside to the top part of the torso, which 
is upright on the ground. Dewey tells Nate he'll be OK, but Nate says, "I don't 
know, Dewey, I'm cut in half pretty bad!" The doctor is unable to save Nate, 
and Dewey is so traumatized that he loses his sense of smell. "You've gone 
smellblind!" his mom exclaims.  
A half-dozen years later, Dewey and his band are performing at the high 
school talent show, singing a mild number consisting mostly of "Take my hand." 
the first lines, however, the teens dance with abandon, while adults react 
with horror and rage. "This music is an outrage!" says one, and a preacher 
waving a floppy bible says, "You know who's got hands? The devil! And he uses 
for holding things!" 
I could go on citing funny lines (well, one more: Dewey's wife complains, 
"But what about *my* dreams?" and Dewey says, "I already told you, I can't 
you a candy house")--but in the end, too many funny lines began to feel like a 
problem. Parody requires that the flaws of a typical music biopic be 
exaggerated, so the plot moves with absurd speed; good guys and bad  guys are 
distinguished, and idyllic and miserable moments follow each as swiftly as the 
bumps on a roller coaster track. The characters don't have time to attain any 
weight of their own, and the breakneck story has no punch.  
It's only a comedy, of course, but it still could have been better. Compare 
"Walk Hard" with "Anchorman" (2004), another comedy produced by Judd Apatow. 
The idiots and egoists who populate the TV-news world of "Anchorman" are 
hilarious, but they also have their feet on the ground as real, consistent 
characters, with believable (if ridiculous) motivations. "Walk Hard" gets to 
more like a spray of birdshot. One joke after another comes at you, not all of 
them successful, and around about the middle it began to sag. This comedy is 
less like Apatow's usual work (off-color comedies with some surprisingly 
conservative themes, like "40-Year-Old Virgin" and "Knocked Up") and more like 
parodies as "Scary Movie," "Epic Movie," or even the granddaddy of this genre, 
"Airplane" (1980). A lot of "Walk Hard" is genuinely funny, and the music is 
truly impressive. But the substructure, the story and characters, are pretty 
I brought with me two youngish adult friends, who disagreed; they both 
thought it was hilarious, and one said it was the most she'd laughed since the 
time she watched "Anchorman."  But, she said, next time she'd want to have 
the fast-forward button handy. Not only is there plenty of crude language, and 
more than sufficient quantity of toilet humor (when Dewey gets his sense of 
smell back, he lingers joyfully over a handful of horse manure), but there is 
an naked orgy scene in a motel room during which a waist-down view of a man 
fills a corner of the screen. The filmmakers must have thought this uproarious 
because the same view recurs a minute later, but viewers over the age of 14 
not find it particularly clever. For some potential viewers, that bit of 
information will be enough to decide them not to go at all. It's a shame that a 
film with so much that is genuinely entertaining, and musically impressive, 
alienate viewers with a moment that isn't even funny. "Walk Hard" could have 
traveled a lot further if it had avoided the low road.  

Frederica Mathewes-Green

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