The second half of my interview with Shmassey Ina airs today: 
You can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes: 
just click on the photo and it will take you to "Subscribe."
Also, my son David, who wrote my podcast intro music, is beginning to have 
some of his songs on The Ark, an Orthodox radio broadcast that showcases 
contemporary music:
I heard one of his songs on The Ark the other day and thought about that 
wonderful scene in "That Thing You Do" when the guys in the band hear their 
on the radio for the first time--one of the happiest scenes in any movie. 
Hard to believe that now David's music is going up to a satellite and down to 
computers all over the world. That really calls for a celebration, esp since 
David turns 28 today. Happy birthday, David! With his wife Marcella and their 5 
children, they are our own personal "Dave Mathewes Band." 
Frederica Mathewes-Green

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
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