In this week's podcast I play a recording of one of the last centuries'
bravest leaders, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. Born into a Jewish household in
Romania, he became a Lutheran pastor, and was tortured in communist prison;
there he met Fr George Calciu, my spiritual father until his death in Nov
2006. The two remained friends until Pastor Richard's death in 2001. In this
podcast, you will hear Pastor Richard singing a hymn he composed in prison:

you can also listen over the phone: 857-488-4644.

The source of the recording is this. In 1998, when Pastor Richard was ill
and living in a nursing home in northern California, Fr George flew from
Virginia to see him. During the course of their conversation, Pastor Richard
spoke of the circumstances that caused him to write this hymn and sang it.
When Fr George got home, he wrote to some monastics who lived in Northern
California (Fr Damascene, Fr Gerasim, and Mother Nina), and asked them to go
visit Pastor Richard and make a recording of this hymn.

I posted on my website a photo taken at that visit; scroll to the bottom of
the page:

Frederica Mathewes-Green
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