I've been busy this summer--we are trying to move my mom back into her home
from the nursing home, and that's involved some construction and other
complicated planning, and lots of travel. Our son Stephen and his wife
Jocelyn (and toddler Ruth) are living with us now till he begins seminary in
a few weeks, and their second child, Lucas, is due any day now. And there
have been a number of other minor emergencies and problems but, praise God,
everything is working out fine.

Just in time for my new book, The Jesus Prayer: The Ancient Desert Prayer
that Tunes the Heart to
Here it is on the website of Paraclete Press, and you can order it there or
from any bookseller.

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware helped me a great deal by reading the manuscript
and making valuable suggestions for improvement. He offered this comment for
the back cover:

"Frederica has given a perceptive, thorough, and balanced picture of the
Orthodox teaching on the Jesus Prayer, including much personal wisdom of her
own. I am confident that this book will help many people."
  --Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, author of The Orthodox Way and The Orthodox
Church >>

I've fallen behind when it comes to this list, and didn't always send out an
email when I posted a new movie review. Here are links to some recent ones:

(500) Days of Summer<http://www.frederica.com/writings/500-days-of-summer.html>

O'Horten <http://www.frederica.com/writings/999.html#entry4800908>

$9.99 <http://www.frederica.com/writings/999.html#entry4800908>

Motherland <http://www.frederica.com/writings/motherland.html>

I'm hoping the Fall will be quieter than the summer, and I sure am looking
forward to having a *real* vacation next summer. Folly Beach, here we come
-- with all 10 granchildren!

Frederica Mathewes-Green
Frederica-l mailing list
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