Yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of the repose of my spiritual father, Fr.
George Calciu, a courageous man who survived "brainwashing" torture in
communist prison in Romania. I was asked to give a talk about him today at
church, and I'll attach the link to that talk on my website. It has lots of
links to books, videos, and other resources.

Remembering Fr.

also, the Christmas shopping season is upon us, so I'll put in my plug for

autographed books<>

easily ordered through my church's website, payable by Paypal. I can also
add an inscription to a particular person; just use the form to send me an
email and say how you'd like to to read.

"Too many books! What are they about?"

My newest book is on "The Jesus Prayer," a simple way of praying developed
by the Desert Fathers, that enables you to learn how to stay always in the
presence of God.

"The Lost Gospel of Mary" is a study of three early-church documents about
the Virgin Mary--

"First Fruits" is a 40-day devotional study of the 8th century liturgical
hymn, the Great Canon of St. Andrew, a good text to study during Lent--

"The Open Door" is a study of 12 well-known icons, using the device of
entering a typical church where they are on display, and visiting them on
the feast day that pertains to each--

"The Illumined Heart" is a brief presentation of the basics of early Eastern
Christian spirituality--I think this is my second most popular book

"At the Corner of East and Now" juxtaposes chapters following the course of
worship on a typical Sunday morning with chapters interacting with the world
as an Orthodox Christian--

"Facing East" is my most popular book, a diary of a year in our church, Holy
Cross, when it was a small mission and we were still new enough to Orthodoxy
that many things seemed strange--it's got some humor in it, and a narrative
rather than explanatory style

"Gender" is a collection of my writings on men, women, sex, and marriage--

"Real Choices" was my first book, a study of why women have abortions and
how we can help meet their needs so that they can choose life instead.

Frederica Mathewes-Green
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