>From the Basic Recipes website...


X- 23 Pina Colada Cheesecake

 teaspoon of  rum extract
One 3 ounce can of  flaked coconut
Four 8 ounce packages of cream cheese
5 eggs
1 1/4 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of  cornstarch
4  tablespoons of  melted butter
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of  lemon juice
2 cups of sour cream
1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple, well drained

Heat oven to 400ºF.  Place rum extract and coconut in food processor; process 
until combined and finely chopped. Set aside. Place cream cheese in mixer bowl; 
beat until softened.. Beat in the next 7 ingredients in the order above, 
beating well after each addition. Stir in the coconut and pineapple. Pour 
mixture into 9 inch springform pan. Place pan in large roasting pan; transfer 
to oven. Fill roasting pan with 1 1/2 inches hot water. Bake 30 minutes. Reduce 
heat to 325ºF  Bake 30 minutes longer or until wooden skewer inserted in center 
is drawn clean.  Remove cake to wire rack to cool. Refrigerate cake overnight 
before serving. Cake may be topped with fruit, if desired. Makes 16-20 servings.
~~~***Rhonda G in Missouri***~~~

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