>From the Basic Recipes website...


Will's Crock Pot Scrabble

2 cups of wheat chex 
2 cups of corn chex 
2 cups of rice chex 
3 cups of thin pretzel sticks 
1 can or jar of salted peanuts - (13 oz) or assorted mixed nuts 
1 teaspoon of garlic salt 
1 teaspoon of celery salt 
1 teaspoon of seasoned salt 
2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese 
1 cup of melted butter 
1 cup of Worcestershire sauce

In large (double) paper bag, mix together pretzels, cereals, and nuts along 
with the garlic salt, celery salt, seasoned salt, and grated cheese. Empty bag 
into large mixing bowl and sprinkle the melted butter and Worcestershire sauce 
over all, mixing gently with your hands. Empty bowl into crock pot and cook on 
LOW for 3 or 4 hours. Tear open paper bags you used to originally mix the 
scrabble and spread them out onto a counter. Spread heated crock pot scrabble 
onto torn open bags and let dry for a minimum of one hour letting the paper 
absorb any excess moisture. Store in Rubbermaid or Tupperware type airtight 
containers. Keeps for several weeks without going stale.
~~~***Rhonda G in Missouri***~~~

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