>From the RecipeZaar website...
Berry Frappe
        * 3 1/2 cups frozen unsweetened raspberries or strawberry 
        * 12 ounces cream soda 
        * 8 ounces plain yogurt 
        * 1/2 cup thawed undiluted frozen lemonade concentrate 
        * 1/2 cup sugar 
        * 2 cups chilled club soda 
        1. In container of electric blender, combine half of the raspberries, 
creme soda, yogurt,lemonade concentrate and sugar. Cover;blend until berries 
are pureed and sugar is dissolved.Pour mixture into a 13x9-inch pan. 
        2. Repeat process with the remaining ingredients.Pour into same pan. 
Cover; freeze 3 hours, or until firm. 
        3. Use a fork to break up frozen raspberry mixture.In container of 
electric blender,combine half of the frozen mixture and 1 cup club soda. 
        4.. Cover;blend until frothy. Pour into chilled glasses.Repeat with 
remaining frozen mixture and remaining 1 cup club soda.
~~~***Rhonda G in Missouri***~~~

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