>From the Free Cooking Recipes website...
Zippy Tuna Salad
Ingredients and Directions
2 cans of tuna packed in vegetable oil 
Minced onion as desired
Minced celery as desired 
Cheddar Cheese as desired
Chopped bacon as desired
Mayo as desired 
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
How to Prepare:
Prepare everything but tuna, mayo, and balsamic in a large bowl. Add as much 
mayo as you’d like.. Add the tuna. Mix until all ingredients are well mixed, 
and tuna is the consistency that you like. Add the balsamic. Mix until balsamic 
is evenly spread throughout the tuna, or until all the tuna has a slight brown 
tint to it from the balsamic. Put fork into tuna, lift fork to mouth, enjoy.
~~~***Rhonda G in Missouri***~~~

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