>From the Cook's Recipes website...


Lattice-Topped Cherry Pie
Crust Ingredients: 
2 cups all-purpose flour 
1/4 teaspoon salt 
2/3 cup cold cold butter or margarine
4 to 5 tablespoons cold water 

Filling Ingredients: 
1 cup granulated sugar 
1/3 cup all-purpose flour 
1/8 teaspoon salt 
2 (14.5-ounce) cans red tart pitted cherries, drained 
1 teaspoon grated orange peel 
        1. Heat oven to 400°F. 
        2. Combine 2 cups flour and 1/4 teaspoon salt in large bowl; cut in 
butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in enough water with fork 
just until flour is moistened. 
        3. Divide dough in half; shape each half into ball. Flatten slightly. 
Wrap 1 ball of dough in plastic food wrap; refrigerate. Roll out remaining ball 
of dough on lightly floured surface into 12-inch circle. Fold into quarters. 
Place dough into 9-inch pie pan; unfold, pressing firmly against bottom and 
sides. Trim crust to 1/2 inch from edge of pan. Set aside. 
        4. Combine sugar, 1/3 cup flour and 1/8 teaspoon salt in large bowl. 
Add cherries and orange peel; toss lightly to coat. Spoon into prepared crust. 
        5. Roll out remaining ball of dough to 11-inch circle. Cut circle into 
10 (1/2-inch) strips with sharp knife or pastry wheel. Place 5 strips across 
filling in pie pan, 1 inch apart. Place remaining 5 strips at right angles, 1 
inch apart, to the strips already in place; trim strips. Fold trimmed edge of 
bottom crust over strips; build up an edge. Seal; crimp or flute edge. Brush 
strips with milk; sprinkle with sugar. Cover edge of crust with 2-inch strip of 
aluminum foil. 
        6. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until crust is golden brown and filling 
bubbles in center. Remove aluminum foil during last 5 minutes, if desired. (If 
browning too quickly, shield lattice strips with aluminum foil.) 
Makes 8 servings.

Rhonda G in Missouri


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