Posted by: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   angellovesrecipes 
on The Recipe Library
Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:59 am (PST) 

1-1/2 c. sugar 
1 c. butter 
1 t. vanilla 
2-3/4 c. sifted cake flour 
1 T. baking powder 
1-1/3 c. milk 
1 c. finely chopped almonds 
6 stiffly beaten egg whites 
White Frosting 

Cream together sugar, butter, and vanilla. Stir together the cake flour and 
baking powder; add to creamed mixture alternately with milk. Stir in almonds. 
Gently fold in the egg whites. Pour into two
greased and lightly floured 9x1-1/2 inch round baking pans. Bake at 375 degrees 
for 28 to 30 minutes. Cool 10 minutes; remove from pans. Fill and frost with 
white frosting. 


In a saucepan, combine 1 c. sugar, 1/3 c. water, 1/4 t. cream of tartar, and 
dash salt. Bring mixture to boiling, stirring till the sugar dissolves. In 
mixing bowl place 2 egg whites; very slowly pour the hot sugar syrup over, 
beating constantly with electric mixer till stiff peaks form, about 7 minutes. 
Beat in 1 t.. vanilla. 
Rhonda G in Missouri
Pen Pal, Friend, Mom and Chief Bottle Washer


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