This was submitted by Ellen Smyth on 
Rhondas_Recipe_Exchange (group is closed)
Grilled Tuna with Fresh Herbs and Sesame Seeds


Winemaker Stéphane Vivier marinates lean tuna steaks in sesame seeds (a
great source of phosphorus, which is a mineral essential for strong
bones) and any number of fresh herbs, including lavender and marjoram. 

1/2 cup minced chives 
1/4 cup chopped basil
2 teaspoons chopped thyme
Four 6-ounce tuna steaks, about inch thick
Extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce, plus more for serving
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoons sesame seeds

In a small bowl, mix the chives with the basil and thyme. Rub the tuna
steaks with olive oil, then coat with the 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.
Season lightly with salt and pepper. Press the herbs onto both sides of
the steaks. Sprinkle both sides with the sesame seeds. Refrigerate for
30 minutes. 

Light a grill or preheat a grill pan. Grill the tuna steaks over high
heat, turning once, until charred on the outside and medium-rare
within, about 4 minutes. Cut into thick slices and serve, passing more
soy sauce at the table. 

Recipe by Stéphane Vivier (www.foodandwine. com)
Rhonda G in Missouri


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