Hi all,

Thanks for a great meeting last night - and welcome to the new people!

We had a good discussion around DRM, in the lead-up to next month's Day
Against DRM. Below are some notes that I jotted down. I notice that some of
the action items are already being worked on. Nice one!

Suggestions for topics for next month:
- How can we be more involved with LibrePlanet?
- FOSS-friendly employers, both in terms of IT companies and others (e.g.
how do you get the print shop you work at to start using FOSS?)



What message are we trying to get across? E.g. do we want to cause a
boycott of DRM-encumbered media, or just raise awareness?

- People don't care.
- Common objection: "Amazon is so convenient"
- It's an uphill battle, in the same way as it's an uphill battle
convincing people to be green.

- Play up the convenience of having DRM-free media.
- We must be able to cite alternatives.
- Promote the DRM-free sources -> we should compile (or find) a list.
- P2P distribution system that bypasses traditional publishers, but still
allows authors to be paid. Or something like flattr.
- Talk to people who have been burnt (e.g. Ubisoft customers, who couldn't
play their games for a week).

Comment: when (if ;) copyright on a work expires, what happens to copies of
it that are DRM-encumbered?

- Show the rest of the world that Australia is in a more favourable
position, to get them to stand up for their rights.
- E.g. region-free DVD players.
-> Two Bens to write about this on our wiki.
- Compile a list of DRM-free media vendors and authors.
-> Bernie to create page on wiki.
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