On 26/04/12 11:53, Ben Finney wrote:

> Chris Samuel <ch...@csamuel.org> writes:
> Chris, are you ordering one? I get annoyed with online stores that
> insist I create an account in order merely to buy something, and
> ZaReason appears to be yet another one of those.

No, only interested in a netbook at the moment.

> But, CyanogenMod isn't free software, remember; it has a higher
> proportion of free software, but is still very much a non-free operating
> system and AFAIK has all the non-free drivers as Android.

As I wrote in the blog, they're working with the Software Freedom
Conservancy is "pure" (to use their words).

> Have ZaReason made the device so that all the hardware works without any
> non-free software (programs, firmware, whatever) at all?

Yes, they have said to me that they chose the Allwinner A10 because it
was the most open SoC they could find.  I am not clear about the GPU
driver (I presume they are using the Lima Projects fully open one) but
they do appear to be making a strong effort to ensure it is fully open
(and I suspect they know that if they market it as that and it isn't
they will quickly get found out).

 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC
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