Yes that is true. I was thinking more in the lines of attacking the encrypted stream from either xbox live or one of the game titles in hope of intercepting the stream to inject own code. And from the DVD's and xbox live, which in turn probably is still encrypted when stored on the disc, so that leaves us with encrypted streams from DVD and HD.

One way to get in touch with the CPU could be to manipulate memory while running like the old cartridges used to do. This requires some magic skills though, but again thats what all the options seems to be so far. Intercepting the actual memory controller would be quite interesting.


On Dec 5, 2005, at 3:27 PM, Richard Colbert Jr wrote:

Just one problem with that logic Patrick. The encryption (and key) are
stored inside the CPU as is the boot rom. Therefore, nothing is ever
streamed into the cpu. Only the decrypted stuff is streamed out.

However, you can use a Boot Rom update disk (which you can download from
Microsoft) to update the boot room. It might be possible to infect the
encrypted boot room disk in order to replace the boot rom with a version of embedded linux. However, even if you manage to do this, the system still
wont work because of several other security measures built into the

As I see it right now, the best bet to crack the 360 is to either develop a mod chip that snaps over the processor and disables the encryption (highly unlikely to be this easy) or replace the triple core power pc processor with a dual core ppc processor (Also Apple now has Quad cores but doubt they will work on the motherboard in the 360). You would have to replace the processor with a 3.2Ghz Dual core though, otherwise it would fry the system because
the memory runs at 3.2Ghz.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 7:56 AM
Subject: [Free60-Devel] cryptography

Hello there,

I have the competence to work on breaking the xb360 security system,
but I am just lurking on this list and haven't really considdering
puting my own effort into understanding and cracking the box. I have
a question though to the wise fellows in possession of the mighty force.

I have just quessed my way to how things are tied together here, but
as I understand, all code is read encrpyted and decrypted totally
withing the CPU with the actual decryption algorithms and keys within
the memory of the CPU itself. Please correct me if Im wrong, Id guess
others would like to have some insight aswell if someone knows for
sure. Anyways, the encrypted data is obviously streamed trough the
CPU and leaves the CPU decrypted at the same ratio as it enters.
Both of these streams can be intercepted and analyzed. From my own
experience with cryptography I know its a bitch to decipher modern
crypthograpy systems, obviously. However, having both the encrypted
and the decrypted data helps a lot. Could someone with more
experience on the specifics please share some thought on this. What
efforts would be needed if realistically possible at all to find the
keys having both sets of data.


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