some comments

At 16:32 9/21/99 -0700, Robert Kaye wrote:
>> 3. <textcontrol> should have means of specifying font used
>That's not very easy to do. Consider that themes are cross platform -- how
>do you specify the fonts for all platforms? What if the font is not
>available on that machine?

well, then use the default font. shouldn't really break things.
I'd be glad if you just added the property of 'font' to <textcontrol>
definition for now... implementation left to future, and besides, it
probably is not hard to implement on Win32 only... I could do it.

>> 9. should be able to supply tooltips for buttons (well, anything).
>I'm not planning on doing that initially. The planned freeamp skin will
>display some text explaining the function of a button in a status field in
>the player when the mouse is moved over that button. Once things stablize a
>bit more, feel free to implement the tooltips.
ok, then, I'll be happy if you just add the property of 'tooltip string' to
<buttoncontrol> definition...

>> 11. should be able to specify multiple 'quit' buttons (other buttons too)
>> (now that's flexibility ;)

is that a yes? :)

currently, if one specifies multiple buttons with same name, only last of
them gets used (others get thrown away) - probably exactly this will change
when you fix the 'all controls must be present in theme.xml' limitation.

I was thinking... if one makes button that should toggle 'windowshade mode'
- how it would be implemented in the XML? Probably something like this:

        <ButtonControl Name="ThemeChange"> <!-- to windowshade mode -->
            <Position Rect="150, 7, 158, 15">
            <ControlBitmap Rect="0, 0, 32, 8" Name="Buttons"/>
                  <ChangeTheme File="shade.xml">

if one clicks it ui transforms to one specified in shade.xml...
preferably really fast, as if the shade.xml is pre-loaded and it's window
already created.

>--ruaok         Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing
>Robert Kaye -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Valters "WaTT" Vingolds

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