Hello all,
I am re-doing the LCDui for the freeamp (hopefull direct plugin without 
LCDPROC). Right now I can display song details (artist, album time etc.) in 
the LCD without the lcdproc. Now I want to implement two more 
functionality..and appreciate if anybody direct me..

1) In my car mp3 player, I want to display a menu similar to

a) Configure the player
b) Select song from palyer
c) Modify play list  (add, remove songs..)

I want to have play-list content listed on the LCD and want to be able to 
modify and select different songs. (i.e. I want to be able to list the songs 
from the m3u file and want to scroll up and down to select the song.,

2) I want to update the play-list etc.. i.e. user can enter the song list 
from key-board (for the time being) but want to diplay at the lcd which he 
is updating.

I think I can borrow some codes from the command line UI. Can anybody tell 
me which file should I look for similar implementation or how do I 
proceed..Any help will be greatly appreciated..

thanks for your help in advance..

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