We may want to base any XML help approach on JavaHelp. Sun
has defined a simple and general file format for platform
independent, context-sensitive help files. See

Obviously Freeamp is not implemented in Java, but it doesn't
appear that the raw XML format defined by Sun necessarily
implies use in Java programs.

We could use Sun's DTDs as a starting point for our approach.
It shouldn't be too hard for me to develop a standalone tool
that processes help files in this format and outputs some
intermediary files that can be fed to native, platform
specific helpfile distiller applications.

I must say that I personally don't feel like doing XML I/O
in anything other than Java (but since it's an auxiliary
support tool, I hope Java wouldn't be too much of a problem).

Anyone think this approach has merit?

At 11:12 PM 5/31/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>It would be nice to be able to use the same format for both platforms. Also I
>know the Mac help system is now HTML... so is Be.... This would make
>translations like Victor's easier too...
>Joe Cosentino wrote:
> > One thing is that FreeAmp could change to using HTML Help 
> files.  Micro$haft
> > makes a HTML Help studio that is freely downloadable from their website.
> > Plus, the HTML files are a hell of a lot easier to maintain than the RTF
> > files.
> >
> > Just my 2c,
> >
> > Joe
> >
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