Hello Chris,

Thursday, September 28, 2000, 02:30:27, you wrote:

CK> large catalogs of music.  The tree helps, but when some audiofile with

that's audiophile, OK ?!?! :)

we are talking audiophiles here...

CK> alot of money rips his 1000 cds, he needs a search prompt as well.  So
CK> it is worth trying to do it Right (tm) the first time, and so I am
CK> glad there is discussion about how to do it.

on the historical note - i have followed freeamp progress from
'99 spring, i think... when it was first mentioned on slashdot.org as
GPL mp3 player.

I do admire your courage, don't be put off by my
skeptical attitude.

but still, patch is only good when it is significant improvement
and does not cause much trouble. it is funny how after some project
has been frozen for, say, 10-20 months, most desired
improvement/feature is actually five-ten lines of code... ;)

Valters "WaTT" Vingolds


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