On 2005-07-05 10:09, Erich Dollansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> On 2005-07-04 11:11,
>> Achilleus Mantzios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If some of you want to help us improve FreeBSD, then stop arguing
>> about religious and spiritual things and prove you can do something
>> with a "real" impact on the current stateof FreeBSD, such as:
>>      - Submit a fix for one of the existing bugs
>>      - Improve an existing feature
>>      - Add new features
>>      - etc.
> Isn't he talking about the feature 'add new users to the user base of
> FreeBSD'?

Perhaps.  My main point was that instead of "talking about adding new
users to FreeBSD", we should focus on "acting".  The particular items
of action that have the potential, as forms of "advocacy", to enlarge
the FreeBSD userbase have been listed in older posts.

I just reacted to the tendency I've seen the past few months to drive
the greatest percentage of discussions around a change of the logo of
FreeBSD, as if it was just the logo that keeps users from coming.

Well, I assure you, it's not.  This is not a statement from my part
that there can never be people who refuse to use FreeBSD because they
feel the daemon challenges or even insults their religious beliefs.
There are, however, a great number of reasons why people do not use
FreeBSD that have nothing to do with the logo:

  1.    Missing features that exist in other UNIX systems

        This is where one may list things such as "my favorite UNIX
        system is Foo(TM), because if supports Bar(R)".

  2.    Lack of "hype" in popular press

        For example, the marketting and press efforts of a certain
        Redmond-based company are a typical example of what we cannot
        match right now.

        The press coverage of Linux is also something that may lose us
        some users who would be perfectly happy with FreeBSD.

  3.    Minimal or completely non-existent support by some hardware or
        software vendors

        No support by ATI and very limited support by NVIDIA is a very
        sore point that we need to do something about.

Before we embark on yet another flame about the daemon or its relative
religious significane to a certain percentage of the potential FreeBSD
users, we need to think as members of the advocacy list and as users or
contributors to FreeBSD what have WE done to actively promote FreeBSD
lately?  What have WE done to make it more known to the masses?  Have
we really solved ALL other problems and feel that our efforts are
severely limited by the daemon logo, in a way that needs immediate
action to discuss or change it?

That's all.  That's why I'm in favor of direct and immediate action and
my alarms go off whenever I see yet another (mostly pointless)
discussion about what should be done.

Don't talk anymore.  Go out there and do.

        - Send an article about FreeBSD to your favorite online or print
        - Write the code for a new FreeBSD feature.
        - Fix an existing bug.

Just do :)

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