On 22/08/2006 08:14, Nikolas Britton wrote:
> FreeBSD's SVG logos are broken. They do not "render" correctly in
> browsers with native SVG support, AFAIK Firefox 1.5 and Opera 9 are
> the only browsers with "native" SVG support.
> If you do have a browser with "native" SVG support try viewing the SVG
> logo here: http://www.freebsd.org/logo/logo-basic.svg

I'm not familiar with SVG but could it be that logos are rendered
badly in firefox because SVG 1.1 is not fully supported?

Here's implementation status:

Just a thought. I'm not sure about Opera.


Karol Kwiatkowski  <freebsd at orchid dot homeunix dot org>
OpenPGP: http://www.orchid.homeunix.org/carlos/gpg/0x06E09309.asc

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