--- Jeff Rollin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 14/03/07, Eric Kjeldergaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > drivers.)  For those of us using FreeBSD, there's not a substantial
> > advantage to proprietary linux drivers over proprietary Windows drivers. 
> We
> > go unsupported either way.
> >
> >
> Hmm, well I would hope that they would use hardware with open source
> drivers only, in which case, yes, FreeBSD would be able to take
> advantage. Even if, say, the OSD's are GPL'ed, that would at least
> allow BSD users to inquire as to the specs from the OSD developers.
> Jeff
> --

The survey is asking "What OS do you want pre-installed?" - it is not asking
"Do you want open source drivers". If we choose an OS that "might" be able to
get the binary globs removed and use the source instead, then in my opinion, we
are playing games with the survey that may not actually end up with us getting
something we can use in FreeBSD.

By contrast, if enough people vote for FreeBSD, then dell might actually offer
to install FreeBSD. If this happens then we have two major benefits: 1. An
advocate in the form of a major computer supplier including FreeBSD in its
sales/promotional material, 2. A strong ally who will presumably assist in
convincing device manufacturers to release their driver source code, or
necessary specs to write the drivers.


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