On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 10:07:02PM +0200, Can Erkin Acar wrote:
> Unfortunately, FreeBSD is doing the Open Source world a disservice
> by allowing blobs and making "special" deals with vendors for
> distributing such firmware.  It is already hurting us, and will
> hurt everyone, including FreeBSD much more in the future.

You're right. Clearly, FreeBSD has failed the open source community. Screw all 
those vendors! We'll remove support. That'll show 'em. FreeBSD may lose a large 
percentage of it's user base due to lack of hardware support, but hell, we 
didn't need them anyways. Let them run Linux.

I know you're one of those OpenBSD advocates, so just to clarify: that was 

-- Randi Harper

Phone: 512.803.1166
  URL: http://freebsdgirl.com

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