
another attempt would be to promote ZFS and use FreeBSD as the vehicle
to bring ZFS into the game for a low price. The alternative would be
Sun/Oracle with a nice price tag.


 On Mon, 30 Mar 2015 09:53:05 +0100
k...@3msg.es wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm proposing to a medium size enterprise to use a FreeBSD ZFS
> installation on commodity hardware for a NAS/SAN storage
> implementation.
> The actual implementation is quite small itself, around 8-12TB usable
> space presented as iSCSI or cifs, for a TV recording system, with a
> second device of similar capacity for a backup.
> However, the organisation is relatively conservative, and little
> experience in Free software, with a background of purchasing
> proprietary solutions.  Part of this particular solution would be to
> develop the organisations skills and trust in Free software
> solutions, to help them going forward in purchasing decisions.
> I wonder if anyone has any user stories or blog posts etc, that they
> could share, that would help provide some corroborating evidence for
> the suitability of FreeBSD for this use.
> Thanks in advance, 
> Kat

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