
On 1/7/11, <> wrote:
> On Thu, January 6, 2011 2:45 pm, Patrick Mackinlay wrote:
>>> Number:         153746
>>> Category:       amd64
>>> Synopsis:       kernel crash with 2 X11 sessions on amd64 with radeon
>>> drm
>>> Confidential:   no
>>> Severity:       non-critical
>>> Priority:       medium
>>> Responsible:    freebsd-amd64
>>> State:          open
>>> Quarter:
>>> Keywords:
>>> Date-Required:
>>> Class:          sw-bug
>>> Submitter-Id:   current-users
>>> Arrival-Date:   Thu Jan 06 22:50:07 UTC 2011
>>> Closed-Date:
>>> Last-Modified:
>>> Originator:     Patrick Mackinlay
>>> Release:        8.1-RELEASE-p2 (affects 8.0 as well)
>>> Organization:
>>> Environment:
>> FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD
>> 8.1-RELEASE-p2 #3: Thu Jan  6 21:40:18 GMT 2011
>>  amd64
>>> Description:
>> If I start 2 X11 sessions (startx and start -- :1). The close the
>> sessions on display :1, when I switch to the session on display :0 the
>> system reboots. I have an amd64 with a ATI radeon card:
>> drm0: <ATI Radeon HD 4650> on vgapci0
>> Note that if I never close either X11 session there is no problem with
>> stability (weeks uptime), however the only graphics intensive app I use
>> is mplayer. mplayer is the only reason I need drm, however the bug will
>> be triggered even if I havn't used mplayer in my X11 session.
> Greetings,
>  Fact is, Mplayer has nothing to do with when/how drm is loaded. 2
> possibilities exist for loading; @boot via loader.conf(5), or when
> starting X via xorg.conf(5).
> If you're loading it via xorg.conf(5), and suspect drm to be the culprit.
> The easiest solution would be to comment the line that loads it in your
> xorg.conf(5) file. Then startx(1), and see if there's any difference in
> behavior. FWIW I haven't been able to use HALd on _any_ 64bit box. So
> against the suggested entries in rc.conf(8):
> dbus_enable="YES"
> hald_enable="YES"
> I need to use
> hald_enable="NO"
> or I have big problems running X. I only mention it, in case this
> might also apply to your situation.
> --Chris
>> I will attach the output from dmesg with my full system setup and the
>> output from the two xorg log files.
>>> How-To-Repeat:
>>> Fix:
>>> Release-Note:
>>> Audit-Trail:
>>> Unformatted:
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