On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 11:22:57PM +0200, Marco Steinbach wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm trying to in-place source upgrade 9.3-STABLE #0 r295039 i386 to 
> stable/9 r297659 amd64.
> I've crossbuild with:
> make -j4 buildworld TARGET=amd64 TARGET_ARCH=amd64
> make -j4 buildkernel KERNCONF=GATEKEEPER TARGET=amd64 TARGET_ARCH=amd64
> Now I'm trying to install, and am getting:
> root@gatekeeper:/usr/src # make installworld TARGET=amd64 TARGET_ARCH=amd64
> ERROR: Please set DESTDIR!
> *** [installcheck_DESTDIR] Error code 1

You can defeat this seatbelt by adding DESTDIR=/ to your make variables.
I can't comment on the safety of the result.

-- Brooks

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