--- Comment #3 from Ricardo Branco <> ---
I managed to crash -STABLE (didn't try -RELEASE) like this:

$ sudo mount -t mqueuefs none /mnt

$ touch /mnt/{1..101}  # Needs Bash I think
touch: /mnt/101: Resource temporarily unavailable

$ sysctl kern.mqueue
kern.mqueue.curmq: 100
kern.mqueue.maxmq: 100
kern.mqueue.maxmsgsize: 16384
kern.mqueue.maxmsg: 100

$ rm -f /mnt/*

$ sysctl kern.mqueue
kern.mqueue.curmq: 0
kern.mqueue.maxmq: 100
kern.mqueue.maxmsgsize: 16384
kern.mqueue.maxmsg: 100

$ for i in {1..101} ; do posixmqcontrol create -d /$i -s 1 -d 1; done
posixmqcontrol: mq_open(create): Too many open files in system

$ rm -f /mnt/*

POSIX message queues seem broken on FreeBSD. There's no limit per-user. I tried
this on Linux and it only allowed me to create only 10 messages queues as user,
without limiting root.

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