This doesn't belong on Questions or Hackers.

On Jul 8, 2005, at 6:28 PM, R. Tyler Ballance wrote:


i'll be meeting tuesday with staffers for my congressman (since he's still in D.C.) to discuss software patents and the "evil" behind them.

There is absolutely nothing inherently evil about so-called "software patents." If an invention has honestly been made then it makes no difference whatsoever if its implemented in software or with gears and levers, the inventor deserves protection.

The problem lies with the Patent Office for issuing patents for prior art. Funniest example I know of is "Method of Exercising a Cat" Its a laser pointer. Who hasn't played with a cat using a flashlight or mirror before laser pointers were invented?

Another example is that the Patent Office used to new patents for old technology simply because the new claim specified a 10" disk drive rather than 12". This silliness was mostly resolved between 5-1/4" and 3-1/2".

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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