On  Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 11:07:54AM -0800, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
> From: Oliver Fromme
> > Kevin Kinsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > >        If I 'cp /bin/csh /dev/audio' shouldn't I hear the ocean?
> >  > >                     -- Danno Coppock
> >  > 
> >  > Surely everyone should be aware that it's
> >  > 
> >  > #sudo sh -c "cat /bin/csh > /dev/dsp0.0"
> > 
> > Uhm, no, why?  "cp /bin/csh /dev/audio" works fine here.
> > /dev/audio (symlink to audio0.0) is world-writable by
> > default, so no sudo required, and cp works fine.  (In
> > fact, it does _not_ work for me when I try to use sudo.)
> > 
> > It doesn't really sound like the ocean, though.  :-)
> If you adjust the EQ to cut-off everything above 120Hz or so, it sounds like
> the ocean if you accept MIDI as the standard for digital replication of
> complex sound.

It's a quote anyway :) Mr. Coppock could sue for misquoting if it was changed!

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