Hello, fellow FBSDers....

I've had two clients in the last month or so call and ask about
limiting employee browsing (in addition to killing more spam, *sigh*)
on their networks.

I've no problem implementing this sort of thing with Squid (just
finished setting it up at home; don't want the kids to learn any
four-letter words from the 'Net before the age of majority [wish
me luck!]), but I wonder if anyone could share experiences/insight into
the legal aspects, the employee dynamics and potential responses, other
issues that may arise, etc., if we proxy all the browsers and start
banning sites (or, in the contrary, only allowing business-related sites) via a proxy server.

IANAL.  I also know that YANAL.  This won't be written up in any
format other than "some experts agree that" 'foo'.*

Any thoughts?  TIA!

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

*Unless, of course, you just *have* to have credit, copyright, etc.
OOPS!  Did I just say 'copyright' ?

Power and ignorance is a detestable cocktail.
                -- Poul Henningsen [1894-1967]

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