Randy Pratt wrote:
 > I think the page referenced may include "release" numbers from all
 > the reporting machines regardless of operating system.
 > Better numbers from the relatively small sample can be found at
 >         http://www.bsdstats.org/freebsd/releases.php

Where is the link to that URL?  I didn't find it anywhere.

 > which tally up to the totals for FreeBSD listed on the main page.
 > I find the number of 2.x systems a little puzzling though.

Well, I also have 2.2-stable installed on an old notebook
that wouldn't reasonably run any newer version (it has 4 MB
RAM and 120 MB disk, no network, no X).

However, the number for 2.x systems seems a bit high indeed.
I think the users who still run 2.x systems tend to tune
them manually and watch the lists closely for things that
need to be patched.  Therefore they might have a better
chance to know about the bsdstats script than people who
just install a release.  The statistics are certainly skewed
by the fact that the bsdstats script isn't integrated into
the standard installation, like other BSD projects did
meanwhile.  And the numbers are much too low to have much
of a statistical value so far.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
Dienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt FreeBSD: http://www.secnetix.de/bsd
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