Old Ranger wrote:
Is anyone out there?
Greetings Pastor Wade! I'm out here ;-)
Anyone want to discuss the merits of 4.2 compared to 6.1?
What about gnome -vs- kde?
Haha, I'm just now upgrading a couple of 4.5 machines to 6.1 and only because the 4.5 boxes are running out of space. They ran beautifully for many years. The 6.1 boxes are soooo much faster though that it's almost pleasant to run accounting queries in less than 10 seconds that took 3 minutes or more before.

While I've never been a big fan of either gnome or kde, since I've been paying attention to PC-BSD lately, KDE looks to have come a long long way. My wife absolutely loves it, and as soon as PC-BSD 1.3 comes out, we're switching our entire office over to it. They added a fluxbox option during install though, which is what I've been running for years, so I'll probably go with that most of the time.
Let's talk email clients...
Years of mutt but I've been sold on Thunderbird for awhile now. It seems to catch most spams that get through the mail server. It's a good IMAP client. For webmail, I used to love IMP, but broke it on our mailserver ages ago and so we switched to SquirrelMail. It's not pretty, but it does the job. Hopefully, we'll be using Zimbra on FreeBSD soon though.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"  http://www.iXsystems.com
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project         http://www.FreeBSD.org
BSD on the Desktop                              http://www.pcbsd.org
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