> Hi Everyone,
>        I am going to put together a new machine to use primarily as a
> webserver and general desktop computer. I will run free bsd 6.2 when
> it comes out.
> What I want to hear is what new hardware other people are running that
> does not require too much work in getting setup, i.e. plug n play ==
> good... I like brand name stuff, cause mostly it breaks down less and
> is easier to get some help for and usually someone else has worked out
> the drivers etc for it.
> What would you run given the choice and about 2,000 AUD to put
> something together? I have no preference on architecture.
> Motherboard   :: 
> CPU           :: 
> RAM           :: 
> Garphics Card :: 
> Wireless Card :: 
> Other Devices :: 
> Thanks
> Simon Maginnity
> P.s. should it be listed somewhere a couple of general hardware
> options like 2 or 3 choices for desktops, recommeded hardware for
> major webserver's, recommeded hardware for major data centre's, and
> just some different options for machines.
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