On Tuesday 08 May 2007 17:00, Benjamin Adams wrote:
> I'm trying to create a blacklist.zone in my dns records for blacking
> spam.  Anyone know where I can find a tutorial for this?

This is really straightforward. Create a file "/etc/namedb/blackhole.db" 
that contains the following (without the -----):

@               1D IN SOA       @ root.intranet. (
                                42              ; serial (d. adams)
                                3H              ; refresh
                                15M             ; retry
                                1W              ; expiry
                                1D )            ; minimum
                1D IN NS        @

ie, an empty DNS db file. Now, for every DNS name you want to blacklist, 
in your /etc/namedb/named.conf create an entry like the following:

zone "doubleclick.net" { type master; file "blackhole.db"; };
zone "advertising.com" { type master; file "blackhole.db"; };
zone "popupad.net" { type master; file "blackhole.db"; };

Now restart named and you're done.


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