In a few weeks' time I'll be moving house, and it looks as if the new
address currently doesn't have ADSL, so I'll be forced to use
satellite again.  I've done some investigation, and the costs don't
look too prohibitive, but almost nobody is prepared to route my /24
net block (

One alternative would be to route the block through an IP-IP tunnel
from somewhere else in the Internet.  I see a couple of potential
problems with this approach:

* I need somebody to provide the service.  Do you know of anybody who
  can help here, for a reasonable price, or can you help yourself?
  Somewhere in Australia would be better, but given the satellite
  delay it could be almost anywhere in the world.  I'd be looking to
  route about 2 GB a month, and the download speed of the satellite
  link is limited to 1 MB/s.

* How do I terminate the IP-IP tunnel at my end?  The last time I used
  it, I had a static IP address for the end of the link, and another
  for the end of the tunnel, which implies routing that address.  This
  won't work in the scenario I'm looking at.  Is it possible to route
  the tunnel to the same address as the external interface IP address?
  Alternatively, is there another way to handle this issue?

See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

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